Income Tax Return or ITR needs to be filed by earning individuals and submit the form to the Income Tax Department of India. The form consists of the income and tax information of the individual. Alok Consultancy provides ITR filing service to ensure that your return is filed safely and correctly.

Types of ITR forms

  • ITR-1
  • ITR-2
  • ITR-3
  • ITR-4
  • ITR-5
  • ITR-6
  • ITR-7
  • ITR-8

The type of form depends on the earning of the individual. Before we file your ITR, we will ask you about some of the income information to stay on the right track. With Alok Consultancy by your side, you are rest assured that your ITR will be filed error-free. The Income Tax department will verify the information about your taxes and income and will refund the excess tax amount as your income tax return.

While filing the return, you need to submit documents including PAN card number, form 16, form 16(A), bank passbook, house rent receipt, medial expense receipts, and investment proof (if any). Our professionals will analyse the documents and file the return correctly. At Alok Consultancy, we take special measures of the privacy and data security of our clients which is why all your data is safe at our end. Start your ITR process by connecting with Alok Consultancy today.